w w w . g l o b a l e t h i c p e n a n g . n e t.


The Organization
of the Foundation
Global Ethic Foundation, Tübingen

Count K. K. von der Groeben

Governing Body:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans Küng
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Karl-Josef Kuschel
Dr. Hans-Henning Pistor

Managing Director:
Dipl.-Theol. Stephan Schlensog

Waldhäuser Strasse 23
D-72076 Tübingen, Germany

Tel: 00 49 70 71 6 26 46
Fax: 00 49 70 71 61 01 40
Email: office@global-ethic.org
Internet: www.global-ethic.org

Deutsche Bank Tübingen
BLZ 640 700 85
Account 12 12 620




Global Ethic Foundation


The question of a ‘global ethic’ goes back to the programmatic book Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic, which Professor Hans Küng wrote in 1990.

The ‘Global Ethic Project’ is based on the conviction that there can be:
No peace among the nations without peace among the religions.
No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions.
No dialogue between the religions without research into the foundations of the religions.

The first major result of this research into the fundamental ethical standards of the religions was the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic, approved by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993. The declaration was drafted by Hans Küng in the Institute for Ecumenical Research of the University of Tübingen.
In this declaration, for the first time representatives of all religions came to
an agreement on the principles of a global ethic and committed themselves to four irrevocable directives.

These are:
Commitment to a culture of non-violence and respect for life.
Commitment to a culture of solidarity and a just economic order.
Commitment to a culture of tolerance and a life of truthfulness.
Commitment to a culture of equal rights and a partnership between men and women.

The ‘Global Ethic Foundation’ owes its origin to Count K. K. von der Groeben, who in 1995 read Global Responsibility and was so impressed that he donated a substantial sum towards the dissemination of the idea of a global ethic.

Aims of the Foundation

The implementation and encouragement of intercultural and interreligious research.

This aim is being achieved by research into the foundations of religions in theology and religious studies, especially by the production and encouragement of scholarly publications (books, articles) in the interest of intercultural, interreligious and interdenominational understanding.

The stimulation and implementation of intercultural and interreligious education.

This aim is being achieved especially by:
Teaching and lectures to disseminate the results of scholarship, in particular the ideas of a fundamental ethic common to all human beings, a global ethic, in communities, schools, academies, colleges, associations and interest groups of all kinds, national and international;
The education of those who are interested, by conferences, lectures, seminars or workshops, to deepen the theme of a global ethic;
Public activity in the service of a global ethic with the help of the media
(newspaper articles, interviews, radio and television).

The sponsoring and support of intercultural and interreligious encounter necessary for research and education.

This aim is being realized especially by:
Encouragement and sponsoring of initiatives in the sphere of society, politics and culture in the interest of an understanding between people (e. g. ‘confidence-building measures’ between the religions);
The encouragement of encounter between people of different cultures and religions (colloquia, study trips, congresses);
The development of the existing network of intercultural and interreligious relations to encourage a global ethic.
The creation of access to key documents and literature with the help of modern communication technologies.


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